The internet is an amazing information source, yet it can be very dangerous. Many people do not realize that the information they post on the internet is accessible to everyone and is never deleted. Users need to become more cautious of what they are posting and websites must be able to better protect the users.
KnowYourSnow must be aware of this and aim to protect the users private information. Especially due to the fact that users must enter their hometown, school district and other personal information. Also, since the application and website is aimed towards younger children in grade school, it must guarantee their safety.
We will insure that their information is kept for our use only, not given out to anyone, even to advertisers. Also, since we do not charge users any fee to use our services, there will be no need to enter credit card information. Our database will be well protected and our employees will be background checked regularly to ensure the safety of young ones.
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